Tuesday 11 August 2020

Review: The Secret History by Donna Tartt

Why Donna Tartt's The Secret History Never Became a Movie

Amazon synopsis:
 A misfit at an exclusive New England college, Richard finds kindred spirits in the five eccentric students of his ancient Greek class. But his new friends have a horrific secret. When blackmail and violence threaten to blow their privileged lives apart,they drag Richard into the nightmare that engulfs them.

My synopsis:
 We follow Richard - who, like John Mulaney would say - 'has the moral backbone of a chocolate eclair' and a tendency to romanticise everything. Richard helps to kill one of his friends. Bunny. Bunny is shockingly,comically, evil. E.g. 

'He reached in and pulled out a frozen cheesecake. Taped to the box was a plaintive note: Please do not steal this. I am on financial aid. Jenny Drexler. 
''This'd hit the spot about now,'' he said, glancing quickly up and down the hall. ''Anybody coming?'' 
''No.'' He stuck the box underneath his coat and, whistling, walked ahead to my room.'

It's all just a bit... chaotic. 

Thoughts (no spoilers): 
Donna Tartt spent nine years writing this book and it shows. Although I finished reading it an hour ago, I know it will stay with me for a long time. Her writing is eloquent, poignant, Victorian-esque. A proper novel-ish novel - if you know what I mean. The characters are all interesting. Not likeable, but interesting. 

Thoughts (SPOILERS): 
This next part won't be very structured - and I'm sorry upfront. 

There was less murder than I expected. 

When Camilla got glass in her foot. She said, 
'Henry, put me down. I'm bleeding all over you.' Um... what? 
I would be flailing like a fish out of water, crying like a baby - and not giving a single ounce of a fuck if I was staining somebody's clothing. 
Maybe I just have warped prioritise.
It succeeded in making her appear stoic, I guess. 

The scene with Bunny's terrible essay. The Metahemeralism - cracked me up so much. 
'And as we leave Donne and Walton on the shores of Metahemeralism, we wave a fond farewell to those famous chums of yore.' 

Charles says, when referring to Bunny's family 'Bunny was the best of them by a long shot', and Henry says when coming clean to Julian 'He was having a lot of personal problems, problems with his family...' 
It made me feel bad for Bunny. Sure, he was venomous as hell - but it's weird that they can acknowledge this and still kill him. 

What the Fuck Richard Vine // Lime Vines - YouTube

I did not like him. 
He was vapid, annoying, immoral. And this passage... 
'I felt a fierce, nearly irresistible desire to seize Camilla by her bruised wrist, twist her arm behind her back until she cried out, throw her on my bed: strangle her, rape her, I don't know what.' 

Richard can do one. So can Charles. 
Henry was just... an alien. 


What was the point of those frat boys who were always collecting money? 
Did I miss something? 

Honestly, my favourite character was Judy Poovey. 

Thursday 11 August 2016

Top 10 Hamilton Songs

Unless you've been living under a rock, you would probably be somewhat aware of Hamilton, the best thing created in the history of man kind. And no, I am not exaggerating, it's freaking awesome. It's a hip-hop musical about the life of American founding father Alexander Hamilton and the American Revolution. It may sound pretty boring to some people, but believe me it's not. The songs in this musical give me life, they are just  so fantastic and incredible and so I've decided to narrow them down into a list of my favourite ten and share them with you. Let's go...

10. Satisfied - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-XgTDiyfk0

"Satisfied" begins with Angelica Schuyler's wedding toast for Alexander Hamilton and Eliza (her sister), then proceeds to rewind and retell the events of the previous song, "Helpless," from her own perspective. She, who in ''The Schuyler Sister'' had declared was looking for a "mind at work", has now found it in Hamilton yet decides to  give it up for the sake of her sister. The reason I love this song is because it captures Angelica's selflessness and pain in such a beautiful and heart-wrenching manner. And Angelica is a total rap goddess. 

9. Burn - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLbU_IUMEu4

''Burn'' comes after Eliza finds out about Alexander, (her husband) having an affair.The news shatters Eliza, who then performs ''Burn'', an emotional ballad about heartbreak. When I first heard this song I connected with Eliza so much, I could feel the devastation and betrayal in her voice. It was so emotional and so beautiful and it just blew me away. 

I knew you were mine, you said you were mine, I thought you were mine. Do you know what Angelica said, when we saw your first letter arrive? She said ''Be careful with that one love, he will do what it takes to survive.''

 I'm erasing myself from the narrative, let future historians wonder, how Eliza reacted when you broke her heart.You have torn it all apart. I am watching it burn... Watching it burn...The world has no right to my heart, the world has no place in our bed. They don't get to know what I said.

8. Take A Break- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcBLYej78Wo

I don't know why I should even explain why this song is on my list, it's just amazing.There is no other way of describing it. With Eliza's beat boxing, Phillips cuteness, the reunion between the Schuyler sisters(minus Peggy) and who can ever forget that jab at John Adams? 

Eliza: Angelica tell this man, John Adams spends the summer with his family. 

Alexander: Angelica tell my wife, John Adams doesn't have a real job anyway. 


Phillip: Daddy, daddy, look- my name is Phillip. I am a poet. I wrote this poem just to show it. And I just turned nine. You can write rhymes but you can't write mine. 

Alexander: What! 

7. Stay Alive -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaUIqDsQk38

I just love this song it's full of so much jealousy, hate and burns. I wonder what that says about my character? Who cares, this song slays my life. 

Hamilton/Laurens/Lafayette: He shits the bed at the Battle of Monmouth.

Washington: Everyone attack!

Lee: Retreat!

Washington: Attack! 

Lee: Retreat!

Washington: What are you doing, Lee? Get back on your feet!

Lee:But there's so many of them!

Washington: I'm sorry, is this not your speed? HAMILTON!

Hamilton: Ready ,sir! 

Washington: Have Lafayette take the lead!


Hamilton: Charles Lee, was left without a pot to piss in, he started saying this to anybody who would listen:

Lee: Washington cannot be left alone to his devices, indecisive, from crisis to crisis. The best thing he can do for the revolution is turn and go back to planting tobacco in Mount Vernon.

Image result for hamilton stay alive gif

6.  Alexander Hamilton - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIl1OIGzuDg 

Alexander Hamilton is the explosive number that opens up the whole show. In four minutes it gives you a summary of Alexander's life and a taste of what to expect later on in the performance.

 How does a bastard, orphan, son of a whore and a Scotsman...

5. The Reynolds Pamphlet - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ai0E70ZjdU&index=37&list=PLzWCcCALiBuTQnDUtkqXam7gR5Fs9maav

Okay, I find it a bit ridiculous how Alexander would think that Angelica showed up to support him. Bruh, you cheated on her sister and told the whole country about it. My girl Angelica slays the whole song and disses Alexander in the process. #queen #girlpower #slaying 

Hamilton: Angelica thanks God, someone who understands what I'm struggling here to do.

Angelica: I'm not here for you. 

Ensemble: Ooooh!

Angelica: I know my sister, like I know my own mind. You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind. I love my sister more than anything in this life. I will choose her happiness over  mine, every time...  Put what we had aside, I'm standing at her side. You can never be satisfied. God, I hope you're satisfied...




So what did I miss? What did I miss? Virginia, my home sweet home, I wanna give you a kiss.

I freaking adore this song because it's literally impossible not to dance when it's playing. It's so up-beat and quirky and just the best. One giant ball of awesome.

Image result for what did i miss hamilton

3. You'll be back -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21wgwkzdrkI

Owe man, this entire song just shows you what a real catch King George III is. This song is one of my very favourites because of it's the Beatles-ish style and King George's wonderful insanity. It's hilarious,groovy and an anthem for all the crazy ex-boyfriends.

'Cause when push,comes to shove.I will kill your friends and family, to remind you of my love. Da da da dat da dat da da da da ya da da da dat dat da ya da!

  2. My Shot - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwlBxYyjrqM

I don't think I have to give a reason why this song is on this list. This song is awesome. With it's awesome rap and overall catchiness. It also does a great job at revealing Hamilton's incredible determination.

But damn, it's getting dark so let me spell out my name. I am the - A-L-E-X-A-N-D-E-R--We are--meant to be a colony that runs independently. Meanwhile, Britain keeps shittin' on endlessly. Essentially, they tax us relentlessly. Then king George turns around,runs a spending spree.He ain't ever gonna set his descendants free. So there will be a revolution in this century. Enter me! 



1. The Schuyler Sisters  -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hf4EdcOU_rY

This was actually the first song I heard from this musical and I automatically knew that I was going to love the rest. It was just so fantastically done; the singing was fantastic, the lyrics were epic, the singers were amazing. I loved Angelica's sass and Burr's pick up lines. It was all pure perfection.

Burr: Excuse me miss, I know it's not funny. But you're perfume smells like you're daddy's got money.(Best pick up line ever) Why you slumming in this city in your fancy heels? You searching for an urchin who can give you ideals.

Angelica: Burr, you disgust me.

Burr: Ah, so you've discussed me. I'm a trust fund, baby, you can trust me.  

''We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.''



Okay guys, that's the end of my list. I hope you liked it. Byyeee <3

Everyone give it up for America's favorite fighting Frenchman! #Lafayette: